‘2020 Revision’ Lyrics

It’s 12:01

Those who hunger for justice are now starving at the station door
Streets of the city, an SFPD killing floor
Will their children see more of the same?
Like targets in a video game?

The statue of St. Francis is weeping crimson tears
Blood of the innocent rushing through his ears
It’s 12:01 motherfuckers, past time to change the guard at the gate
City of St. Francis presided over by this incarnation of hate

Alex Nieto and Mario Woods, Luis Gongora, Amilar Perez Lopez
And now Jessica Williams, systemically sent to their deaths
And too many before them to name
A local and a national shame…


You saw Jesus hungry …  gave him no bread
Thirsty and you gave him no drink, that’s what he said
A refugee whose suffering you chose not to assuage
You threw him in an icebox, and his children in a cage

I don’t know how to tell you you should care
Perhaps a psychic surgeon practicing somewhere
could somehow bring your conscience to a state of good repair
perform an empathy implant, put a kinder soul in there
I don’t know how to tell you you should care

Jesus was a stranger… you didn’t take him in
Didn’t like his zip code or the color of his skin
It’s clear how you decide on just who merits human rights
But it’s cute you love the bible and you call yourself pro-life

What avails your precious privilege in the falsehoods where you dwell
Those unlike you are people but if you’ve convinced yourself
That they’re not really human then I guess it’s good and well
You vote for concentration camps and other people’s hell

Mitch McConnell

I wouldn’t cross the street to pee on him if he were on fire
It would be a public service if he were to expire
When people call him Turtlehead I have to object
To abuse the turtles thusly shows extreme disrespect

What did a turtle ever do to you
You’d say a thing so cruel and untrue
As that Mitch McConnell’s countenance
Is like that of our reptilian friends
What did turtles ever do to you?

You don’t see them acting like obstructionist dicks
Stacking the courts with rapey, infantile pricks
They don’t use their turtle powers to push partisan hacks
Or go pulling fascist levers like a Himmler on crack

Much like the adhesive used to hold up Trump’s hair
There’s not a lot in nature to which he can compare
Though turtles might be loners give ‘em this much at least
They ain’t power trippers blowing on that vile orange beast